As someone who has been trying to live frugally and to create a lifestyle that I can enjoy using the resources that I have these quotes have inspired me to stay on the right path. A quote to me is something that you write down as a constant reminder of the important stuff. These money quotes to inspire and live by are great guard rails for doing life. Whether it’s a love quote or a money quote in this case they all serve a purpose.

These money quotes have helped me realize that the struggle to be financially independent is a universal one. So friends use these quotes as inspiration for yourselves, your families and your friends. Quotes have an amazing power to reinforce what we already know to be true. Infact multi million dollar business have been built from quotes.
Do you know Morgan Harper Nichols? Of Course you do. She is phenomenal and her work has been so instrumental in creating positive affirmations for women. Words are important so use these words to propel yourself towards what you are seeking.
Money Quotes to Inspire You & to Live By
Table of Contents
Live Freely
“Become so financially secure that you forget it’s payday”
I want to get to a point in my life where 80% of my paycheck is a savings. This is a huge goal and to get there will require serious discipline but I want to manage my spending so well that it shouldn’t matter when my money is deposited into my account. Notice I didn’t say that I want to increase my income. Instead I want to manage what I already have better.

“You might get 85 years on this planet – don’t spend 65 paying off a lifestyle you cant afford.”
Cait Flanders
Priorities are Important
“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.“
Henry David Thoreau
The truth in this quote is scary. Often we work ourselves to the bone trying to make money giving up time we should spend with our families. This is time that we will never get back. They say time is expensive and it really is. I guess the question here is what are you giving up to make more when the more is never enough?
Spend Wisely
“It’s not your salary that makes you rich it’s your spending habits.”
Charles A. Jaffe
If you master your spending habits I promise you, you will live a more peaceful life. Have you heard of wealthy relatives who live a humble life most of their lives and leave a substantial inheritance to their families when they die? I don’t mean to sound morbid but it is possible to live on a budget and still live a fulfilling worry free life. You don’t need to be flashy to be happy. Live within your means and you’ll never need to make more money to be happy.

“Money looks better in the bank than on your feet”
I love a nice pair of shoes but I cannot in good faith fork out an insane amount of money for shoes I would probably not be comfortable in just to be trendy. A nice pair of shoes is mandatory especially for work events and special occasions. Trust me though, you don’t need five pairs of the same shoe in different colors.The jist of it is to save your money! Stop buying things you don’t need.
“Never spend money before you have it.”
Thomas Jefferson
Be Frugal
“Don’t go broke trying to look rich, act your wage.”
Dave Ramsey
At the heart of financial freedom is frugality. Knowing what you have verses how much you should spend takes discipline. I remember days I would want everything designer from my watch to my shoes. Thinking back it made no sense and my credit card bill was telling. If you aren’t frugal you end up spending money that isn’t yours to maintain a lifestyle that you can’t afford.

“Just because you can afford it, doesn’t mean you should buy it.”
Suze Orman
“If you can’t pay cash, you can’t afford it.”
Save Intentionally
“Do not save what is left after spending but spend what is left after saving. “
Warren Buffet
Most people have this the other way round. Having been raised by a super thrifty mum I learned from early on to save first. She called it paying yourself first. Most of my life I have viewed saving as an expense where I have a fixed amount that must be saved. This should be everyone’s goal. Set a savings amount for yourself and make sure you always save first before spending. If you have anything left over treat it as a bonus saving.

“Money speaks one language: If you save me today, I’ll save you tomorrow.”
Avoid Unnecessary Debt
”When you don’t have debt, your money can do anything you want it to.”
Can you picture a life where you didn’t owe anyone anything? I have talked about debt here often because nobody is ever really free if you owe someone money. As long as you don’t own something right out, you don’t have a claim to it. Your house could go into foreclosure, your car could be repossessed and your creditors can sue you to get their money. I can’t wait for the day when I truly own my biggest assets.
“Every time you borrow money you are robbing your future self.”
Nathan Morris
Debt comes with interest and sometimes the interest is ridiculously high. If you only make the minimum payments on a credit card for example you will be perpetually in debt. While debt is sometimes unavoidable don’t use debt to maintain every day life. It will eventually catch up with you.

“Debt is slavery of the free.”
Publilius Cyrus
Be Financially Mature
“If you buy things you don’t need soon you will have to sell things that you need.”
Warren Buffet
Unfortunately things can get so out of hand you find yourself selling your house, cars, clothes and other necessities to survive. When you have a family it’s important to ensure that you stay in the green. Buying things that you don’t need consistently will land anyone in trouble.
“Money without brains is always dangerous.”
Napoleon Hill
Have you heard of rich poor people? These are people who make well above what’s considered to be middle income but still they cant manage their money well. It’s always good to recognize a weakness and where you need financial counseling get it. It’s a humbling experience to have someone point out your errors and missteps but when you want financial freedom it is necessary. If you think you need help getting your finances together talk to a financial advisor before it’s too late.
Even the Small Stuff Adds Up
“Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.”
Benjamin Franklin
This to me represents the stuff we buy everyday but because it doesn’t cost ‘that much’ we convince ourselves it’s okay. Did you know you could save well over $10,000 by stopping to buy coffee, lunch and eating out everyday. Giving up such a small expense could save you thousands of dollars.
Also if you can start buying things in bulk the savings are worthwhile. Fix things when it makes sense otherwise replace them because fixing certain things is more expensive than replacing them.
Start Budgeting
“A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.”
Dave Ramsey
Budgets are like a personal audit of what we spend our hard earned money on. A budget is critical at any stage of life. It shows you not only what you spend your money on but also where there are opportunities to save. It also shows you things that are wastage!
“Don’t tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I’ll tell you what they are.”
James W. Frick

Live within your means
“Don’t let pride keep you in debt. A big house and a fancy car aren’t worth a lifetime of bondage.”
If you make a bad financial decision along the way you can work on fixing it by downgrading to something more affordable. Trust me people won’t judge you and even if they do who cares?!
Master your Money
This essentially means having control over money. Intentionally discussing your finances with your spouse is critical. Establish financial goals and pursue them. It may be a savings goal, a retirement goal or even paying off debt. Get into the habit of controlling everything that pertains to your money.
“You must gain control over money or the lack of it will forever control you.”
Dave Ramsey
“You either master money, or, on some level, money masters you.“
Tony Robbins
Do Something You Love
Let’s be honest this sounds hard because doing something you love and earning a living doesn’t always work in your favor. If you can find a way to start doing something you are good at or talented in as a side hustle there’s is potential to make money. One of the speakers at my graduation said that if you do something you love and solve people’s problems you will make money. There are many multi-millionaires who have made their wealth from what started as a side hustle.
You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you.
Maya Angelou

“There is no shortage of money in this world. Start hustling.”
Grant Cardone
“Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.”
Franklin D Roosevelt
Stop Upgrading
Just because you got a raise or a bonus doesn’t mean you have to spend it. Similarly if you get a new job don’t increase your expenses in the same proportion or more. Always maintain a frugal life by using things that work just as well as an upgrade. Another great way to think about this is to stop hoarding.
“Rich people stay rich by living like they’re broke. Broke people stay broke by living like they’re rich.”
Money can’t Buy The Important Stuff
All the stuff that matters sadly money can’t buy. That’s why you have to prioritize and also ensure that you put all the other things that are important to you first. I’ve seen quite a few of my coworkers resign to stay home with their young children. You can’t make up that time and if there is an opportunity to spend time with them in the first few years consider it.
“Top 15 Things Money Can’t Buy. Time. Happiness. Inner Peace. Integrity. Love. Character. Manners. Health. Respect. Morals. Trust. Patience. Class. Common sense. Dignity. ”
Roy T. Bennett

Man Made Money
“Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.”
Ayn Rand
Stop Trying So Hard
“Too many people spend money they earned… to buy things they don’t want… to impress people that they don’t like.”
Will Rogers
Community is Important
Lastly but not least it’s important to invest our money in causes that don’t harm other people. Support worthy causes and the communities you live in. Foster development in your community.
“Finance is not merely about making money. It’s about achieving our deepest goals and protecting the fruits of our labor. It’s about stewardship and, therefore, about achieving the good society.”
Robert J. Shiller