You mean I have to pay for that? Avoid these questions by seeing what you will be responsible for when you buy a house. Home ownership is one of the most rewarding milestones you can cross off in life. Whether you are buying a home alone or as a couple there is some pride associated […]
I Lost Weight on Keto and Kept it Off a Year Later
About a year ago I was extremely frustrated with my weight. I had tried multiple diets from juicing to 28-day challenges and nothing seemed to work. As a petite person it is extremely easy to see where all the weight gain was which gave me a complex I did not like. Over time I started […]
Money Questions To Ask Before Moving In Together
Moving in together is a big step in any relationship and it solidifies what will hopefully be a successful future. The one thing that would make moving in together disastrous is not talking about money before making the move. As you decide to make this step I strongly encourage that you ask these money questions […]
Money Mistakes that Are Keeping You Broke
Being broke sucks! Let’s just admit that even before we get into the article. Not having money is one of the worst things in the world especially when you are working hard for your money. It creates a feeling of resentment and panic when you feel like you are always struggling to stay on top […]
First-Time Home Buyer Mistakes to Avoid
When I started looking into buying a house, I felt extremely overwhelmed. I ended up putting it off until I felt better prepared because I always felt like I was walking into an exam room unprepared. As a first-time home buyer there are so many things you don’t know about and if you go into […]
Ideas for Working from Home; To Make Thousands
Have you thought about ideas for working from home independently and making good money while you are at it? For a variety of reasons, I have seen people decide to ditch the 9 to 5 lifestyle and start profitable ventures from home. It does take some work but if you are interested in ideas for […]