It’s so difficult to save money especially when you don’t have a strict system set up. That is why money saving challenges are the best for starting out as you get better with money. A money saving challenge in most cases will force you to be frugal. When I did my first challenge ultimately I […]
How Old Are You & How Much Money Should You Have?
The first question in itself is triggering and the next question causes you to pause and take a good, hard look at your money. How old are you and how much money should you have at each stage is an important question if you want to ensure that you stay ahead of your finances. Catching […]
My Amazing $30 Yard Makeover Tutorial
My yard was probably the worst looking yard in the neighborhood. Last year we paid someone a lot of money for a yard makeover and sadly we didn’t get what we paid for. By the beginning of the spring the yard was a nightmare to look at and a even a little embarrassing. You don’t […]
How to Plan a $1,000 Vacation Or Less
Vacations do not have to be expensive to be great. Over the years I have taken long weekends off to various places around the world. This includes Costa Rica, Aruba, Ice Land, Utah, Arizona, Jamaica, Oregon and Mexico with a $1,000 budget. The goal is always to have a great time and spend the least […]
Money Quotes for Encouragement
As far as the times go it’s been tough for tons of people to make ends meet these days. I find myself thinking of how I’ll make sure the bills are taken care of and how I’ll take care of my future in terms of savings. It’s safe to say we all need some encouragement […]
How to Live on One Income as a Family (in 2021)
Times can get hard for everyone especially when unprecedented events happen that you have absolutely no control over. You may find yourself or your partner laid off indefinitely and abruptly having to live on one income or paycheck as a family. Your partner could get sick, work may be difficult to find or a contract […]