There are 10 essential things that you must pack when you are traveling with a baby. Our first major trip with my nephew when he was just 1.5 years old was a great lesson on traveling with a child. We flew from Boston to Zanzibar with a stop in Istanbul and this is not a trip for the faint at heart. We knew that we needed to be prepared but we could have used a list of things to travel with because once we were in the air our options were very limited.

These ten things should be the basics that you pack for your baby while traveling, of course you can modify the list as you prefer but with these 10 things you will be ready for a great trip.
10 essential things for traveling with a baby
Stroller and car seat. It goes without saying that you will need this for your baby. They will check in your car seat and stroller before you board, usually they’ll pack it in a nylon bag for you.
Pacifiers. It is always a good idea to carry your baby’s favorite pacifiers and a few extras incase one falls or gets lost. You don’t want to be the one mum or dad who’s baby won’t stop crying.
Changing pad for changing the baby in the dirty plane toilets! Phew those toilets can get nasty so protect your baby with one of these sheets.
Diapers and wipes. These seem obvious but when you are in a rush and trying to get the baby out it may be useful to have this lost close to you! Always carry more than you think you need.
Pack a change of clothes in a handy place where you won’t have to open the overhead cabin. Don’t be that mum who looks like she’s been through the ringer! I love the Carter’s promotion going on right now!
Lastly bring a pillow for the baby to sleep on if you didn’t buy a seat. I love the pillow I have linked especially for traveling solo with the baby. If traveling with someone put the pillow across you and the baby can knock out while you also catch some snoozes as well.
Formula and extra bottles. These came in so handy. Ask the flight attendant for hot water they are always so nice about it and you can mix up a nice bottle for the baby. Extra bottles come in handy when you don’t have to clean the ones you have!
Snacks are a must especially for when babies especially when they get bored. It’s crazy that when babies have nothing to do eating helps with the boredom. Also snacks will be good for when your baby is hungry and the plane food isn’t cutting it.
Baby food and bib. Bring some of those pouch bags that have instant food for the baby. These are so handy and your baby probably loves them! As you pack the food pack the bib too!
Baby Tylenol and thermometer. Babies get sick so easily so it’s critical to be prepared especially when you are in a foreign country.

One last thing folks. Do you have travel medical insurance? I always recommend getting travel medical insurance because you just never know. With travel insurance if anything happens all the qualified medical expenses are reimbursable. Check out SafetyWing’s travel medical insurance to protect yourself.
Did I miss something essential? Let me know!