Books You Must Read in Your Lifetime

books you must read

For all book lovers this is a list of books that you have probably read. They are also books you must read in your lifetime. Based on this list you will agree with me that the writers will make you think of things in a different way. I have read some of these books more than once and each time I glean into something different.

books you must read

Books to me are the real sauce to life because they take you away from your day to day life. You can seat down with a book in the middle of a winter storm and immediately take yourself somewhere to the Caribbean. I love books that make me relax and I love books that have teachable moments. This is the ultimate list of books you must read in your lifetime.

11 Books You Must Read in Your Lifetime:

The Alchemist

This is one of those books that you always remember at one point of your life or the other. I took so many notes when I was reading the book it almost looked like I was studying for an exam. For me this book impacted how I view my dreams.

You have to pursue anything you love with a single mindedness that beats logic. No matter how bleak things are it is important to stick to the plan without fearing failure. If you have ever struggled with maintaining the passion to do something this book is a must read.

The subtle art of not giving a fuck

I read this book at the most perfect time in my life. I was going through a weird patch in my relationships. There was a need for me to evaluate things and prioritized them. I was on a solo trip when I read this book and it is one of those books you end up highlighting almost everything.

The humorous way that this book is written makes it so relate able with issues that are serious. One line highlighted is, “Because when you give better fucks, you get better problems”. Some people would have a problem with this language but if you truly think about what the writer is saying it makes a big difference.

The power of now

This book was tricky to read for me and I got the audio version and read along as I listened. This is a powerful book in that it makes you focus on what you have to deal with NOW. As one of Oprah’s favorite books it’s easy to see why. Eckhart Tolle asks his readers to be more present in their lives. To focus on the things that require their immediate attention.

If you are the type of person who has a difficult time being present this book will teach you how to be more present.

Same kind of different as me

This book which later became a movie had me in tears. The book is about two people who are from different walks of life and who would normally never associate. Life however in the book has these two very different men interacting with each other and learning from each other. They soon realize that at the heart of it they are quite the same and blood runs red no matter where you come from and what your race is.

I strongly recommend reading this book.

Falling into grace

This is a book about humility and a real assessment of self. It is a book that requires work on our parts and how the lens that we use on ourselves impacts how we see other people and in turn judge them. Falling into Grace is about extending grace to others that we would otherwise withhold.

I think of the way that I have misconceptions about people based on my own thoughts with no evidence that they are what I think they are. This has led to arguments and judgement that were erroneous and this book was great at highlighting this.

The Four Agreements

I do not like self help books for some odd reason and I have never been able to get into them. This book however is an excellent book for someone looking for a change in how they live their lives. If you are planning on making new year resolutions this book is perfect. It will guide you through the process of working on self.

The Four Agreements are actually promises that you make to yourself. As I read through the book I promised myself that I would be trustworthy, I would let go of things that aren’t important, avoid making assumptions and to always do my best. This sounds so easy but if you are constantly thinking about these things it requires conscious effort to change.

Tuesdays with Morrie

This is one of those books that will change your life as you read through the life of someone who it terminally sick. Reading the book and seeing how much grace Morrie had even as his body slowly deteriorated moved me. It made me so aware of how vain we can be as human beings. This book gave me a different perspective on life and the things that matter even as we struggle.

One powerful quote from this book is, “Death ends a life, not a relationship”. If I can live a life that impacts people even after my death then I have truly lived.

Notes from the universe

This is another great book for someone who is looking for motivation to change. The books takes on a horoscope approach where you get notes from the ‘universe’ everyday and they provide motivation for one thing or the other. This book is great because everyday will have an actionable item for you to work on. It’s completely random which makes it fun and it can be used at whatever pace you elect.

It would be great to use this book in a book club to challenge group member.

The Color Purple

This book may be difficult to read for some people because it may trigger events in their lives that happened. However the raw way it is written and the ability of the author to take you through the main character’s life makes it a contender for books you must read in your lifetime. I appreciated the book because it highlighted the suffering that women go through quietly in the hands of people who should protect them.

Year of Yes

Just from the title of this book I wanted to read it. As women we are often told no for reasons that don’t make sense. Did you know that according to a study that was done, men are more likely to apply and get jobs that they are 80% ready for while a woman will work twice as hard to get ‘qualified’ for the same position?

It wasn’t so much that this book propelled me to want more it was a reminder to start accepting more ‘YESSES’ than nos. To challenge the status quo and to pursue things that I would otherwise not. What if you don’t get an immediate yes then you keep finding a place or platform that will be your yes.

You are a bad ass

This is my bonus book for anytime I need a reminder that I am doing great. With the constant comparison that comes in these times of social media I sometimes feel like I am letting myself down or I haven’t done enough. The truth is I haven’t achieved everything I want and I have a project that’s kicking my butt . This book reminded me that I can handle whatever comes and I am pretty good and certain things. Get yourself this book even if you get the audio version and listen to it in your car.

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