As far as the times go it’s been tough for tons of people to make ends meet these days. I find myself thinking of how I’ll make sure the bills are taken care of and how I’ll take care of my future in terms of savings. It’s safe to say we all need some encouragement that things will get better soon. These money quotes for encouragement should be a reminder that tough times don’t last forever and that everything is seasonal.

These money quotes are meant to provide encouragement and hope as we learn and adapt to change. Life can certainly throw us curve balls but it’s what we do in these situations that define us. Each quote has been listed with a teachable lesson.
Table of Contents
Money Quotes for Encouragement:
Embrace New Chances and Opportunities
Every day is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we’ve got 24 hours each.
Christopher Rice
In this tough time as we reflect on the things that matter remember that everyday will provide an opportunity to start over. I have always found that when life forces you to change it also provides an opportunity to rethink the way we do things. This may be the time to think of changing careers or doing something you put off because you didn’t have time.
Working from home was not even entertained at my place of work but this crisis forced people and corporations to change old ways of doing things. Even as we adopt to this new way as employees it’s also a great chance to think about changing our normal at home. The old ways may not have been working optimally for you and your family. This is the time to start thinking of what needs to change going forward to best serve you.
Lastly, it’s a great opportunity to find new ways to make money. Time is the biggest resource we have right now and if we start investing in the right things now, they will pay off in the future. Yes, the economy isn’t the best, but it will pick up. Remember what goes down must come up. Now is the time to start planting those seeds for the future.

Start Being More Frugal
Frugality includes all other virtues.
Frugality has often been ignored and disregarded when people have plenty or excess. There doesn’t seem to be a need for it when the next paycheck is guaranteed. However, this crisis shook many of us with layoffs and family members being furloughed. The loss of income has been devastating for many families across the country as people struggle to make ends meet with no hope in sight.
From this point forward I start being more frugal with your money. Think about what you spend your money on and why you spend your money on those things. I have had such clarity over this time on the things that really matter. It’s certainly not designer bags or trendy clothes. The basic stuff has been the most important.
Stop buying things you don’t need and spend your money more wisely. By cutting back and spending more frugally it’s possible to keep ourselves and our families in a better financial situation. I have included pointers on how to start living more frugally in this post. Downsize what you can and cut back as much as you can as we all adopt to this new lifestyle.
Change Your Mindset
The most valuable gift that you can give your children is not money; it is the ability to think positively. The money will soon be gone, but the ability to think positively will go on to help your children be a success throughout their lives.
Mary Kay
There has been so much negativity in the media, with our friends and co-workers that it’s been difficult to keep a positive mindset. Probably the best thing that we can do right now is decide how we want to view things. The glass half empty or half full.
If we can change how we handle things we can turn our lives around. It’s difficult to see an opportunity when your mind isn’t open to new possibilities. Start thinking of things that you have put off and maybe start working on them. Apply for jobs that are available even as people say there aren’t jobs. An opportunity could be awaiting you if you just try.
Changing how we think can turn the trajectory of our lives completely. Teach your children how to turn adversity into opportunity even as we struggle with making sure they stay on track with the school curriculum. Encourage them to embrace these challenges head on and to come out victorious. These tough times build character.
Get to Work
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Thomas Edison
I struggled to stay productive because I just didn’t feel motivated. I blamed it on everything besides me not willing to put a little more effort into my work. Sometimes it is okay to rest and put off things but at some point, we also need to get back to work.
Work may look different for everyone because of changes that have been brought on by this crisis. Instead of complaining and being dejected because we lost our ‘dream’ jobs it may be time to look at other jobs just to get through this season of life. This is just temporary remember that and get to work.
If you want to see how you can be more productive click on this link How to be More Productive (10 Hacks for Efficiency) These article is great when read with these money quotes for encouragement.
Be Grateful for Your Health
Money is a means to get through this world, but it cannot add a day to our lives.
Thomas Nelson
This doesn’t need too much of an explanation. Send this to someone who needs to read it or hear it. As so many people suffer with losing their jobs, changing their lifestyles, losing their loved ones and getting sick remember that you are healthy and that is something money can’t buy.
Value the Right Things
It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good too to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.
George Lorimer
Perhaps the best thing that could be taken out of this crisis is that everyone in the world was forced to pause and think about their lives. With nowhere to go and no busy schedules to hide behind, we were all forced to stay home and be among the people who matter the most.
Invest in the things that matter and specifically in the things money can’t buy. Maybe it’s time to start that diet you have been putting off. Or maybe it’s time to kick a bad habit and start a good one where you are more concious of your health. It may also be time to really know what your kids do at school. Whatever it is that needs to be done now is the time to do it.
Money can’t buy time which is something we have plenty of to reevaluate how we have been living.
Focus on Relationships and Being Present
A rich family is based on rich relationships, and these relationships do not require any money.
Gary Schulz
The best relationships are not based on what you can get from each other moneywise. They are not transaction based as you don’t measure what you get from each other in terms of money. There is more value on how supportive a friend is in times of crisis. How much are they there for you? Do they invest themselves in you and do they help to make you a better person?
Also are you a good friend to your family and friends? Relationships are built on mutual respect and this means that you show up for each other. You provide a support system for each other. This does not require money and you cannot buy great relationships.
I hope that everyone takes advantage of this time to restore relationships and to rebuild broken ones.

Plan for the Future
And when you start putting some rainy-day money aside, you’ll understand that it isn’t “doing nothing.” It’s letting you sleep at night.
Shannon Lee Simmons
If you didn’t save before then this is the season to start thinking about saving. For many people who didn’t save the crisis would have had a bigger impact on their financial well being than for people who have put a little away over the years. This crisis has been the ‘rainy-day’ that no one saw coming.
I hope we never have to go through something like this but I also encourage everyone to take this life lesson and to start saving more and putting as much money in your savings as you can.
Remember to share these money quotes for encouragement with someone who needs a reminder that it will be okay.