Quick Easy Tips of How to Declutter Your Closet

How to Declutter Your Closet

Have you walked into your closet lately and wondered where to start? I have and I don’t like that I can’t find things easily. I keep buying things and shoving them into any tiny space that I have in my closet and now my closet looks like a crime scene. This guide on how to declutter your closet will help you organize in a few easy steps and provide suggestions on how to keep the clutter out for good.

How to Declutter Your Closet

Before you start to declutter you will need trash bags, boxes or a bin to separate and sort clothes. You will use these items to simplify the decluttering process as you empty the closet so that you can organize from scratch. This process will take time so set apart an afternoon where you aren’t busy and will not be distracted once you start. The decluttering process works best if you get it all done at once.

Questions you should ask yourself as you declutter your closet

As you start to declutter your closet ask yourself the questions below:

Does this fit me right now?

Don’t keep clothes that you haven’t worn in years and probably never will because of their sentimental value. The truth is they don’t serve a purpose anymore and they are a waste of precious storage space. I used to hold on to clothes that I wore in my early twenties and I am almost in my mid-thirties. Those clothes were not only outdated but they also didn’t fit me anymore.

Do I feel good in this?

I see people who wear clothes they have no business wearing simply because they love them. They look uncomfortable for the most part and they are constantly adjusting something. It could be the cleavage, the length or the fit but at the end of the day whatever they have on doesn’t make them feel good about themselves. If you wear an outfit and you have some doubt about how you look or feel in it, don’t wear it. Clothes should make you feel confident and comfortable in your skin.

Do I have a similar outfit?

For some reason we tend to buy the same outfit over and over. I had to really work on saying no to buying certain things because I already owned them. Every season one of my favorite stores which happens to be the Loft comes out with their collection. Often the design of the clothes will be similar and the color scheme almost the same. I would try on a dress and think, “I already own this dress”. If you hang your clothes and see that they are starting to look the same, it may be time to get rid of some of them.

Mari Kondo has been the craze now on how to organize and declutter our lives. She suggests pulling out each item from your closet and asking yourself if it brings you joy. If you use this method, I have a feeling that those tattered t-shirts and old jeans will not inspire joy for you. According to KonMari it is time to respectfully get rid of such items thanking them for the service they have given you as you begin the process of decluttering.

Quick Easy Tips to Declutter your closet.

Empty and Clean Your Closet

This sounds like such a huge undertaking but the process of decluttering your closet will start with emptying it and cleaning it. I hate that smell that clothes get when they have been stored in one place for too long. Empty everything out and clean out the closet. I usually find old dry-cleaning paper, dust that has collected and even cobwebs! Clean the closet space and drawers before putting everything back in.


Using bins, trash bags or boxes start sorting through the clothes. Pull out each item and put it in the bin it belongs to. I like to keep it simple with a “Keep” and “Do not keep” pile. This just makes it easy because I’m not making a difficult decision on the fly. If I decide to change my mind later it’s a simple exchange between the two bins.

Don’t hoard

As you go through your closet at the back of your mind ensure that you are making some progress in the sense that you are purging and not keeping everything, which would make the entire process pointless. There are clothes that you love but never wear and they may serve someone else so much more than they serve you in your closet. I always envision another person wearing the clothes that I haven’t worn in a while and that gives me peace as I part with them. Yes, I said peace because I love my stuff!

Maximize storage space

Whatever you have decided to keep should be put back in the closet neatly to ensure that you maximize whatever storage space you have. From using bins to separate stuff in your closet to using hangers ensure that as you put back clothes in the closet you ensure that you follow a system that not only makes it easy to find them but also allows you to keep them neat.

For clothes I wear every day I keep them near and easy to reach. For the special occasion stuff, I keep them in the back or in a space that I don’t go to often.

Donate and Sell Clothes You don’t keep

It is time to go through the pile of “Do not keep” to see which clothes are donatable or sellable. Please respect the people who sort through bags and bags of donated clothes by only including clothes that are wearable. If your jeans are frayed at the seams and in lining don’t donate them, it’s time to respectfully trash them. If a dress was ruined in the wash or has stains that will never come off also respectfully trash them.

Don’t be like me though. I typically go through this process and then I keep the donate or sell pile in my garage. Do the smart thing and donate or sell them immediately. As a frugal person the extra cash that I make from selling some of my old clothes comes in handy for our budgeting and saving process.

Get Closet Organizers

If necessary, get some closet organizers. I find that hooks, bins, drawer organizers, shoe boxes, hangers, baskets and shelf dividers come in very handy in keeping things organized and minimizing clutter. You can also get large bins for things you don’t use often and label them accordingly so that they are easy to find. This minimizes clutter because you can store them in another area and maximize your closet space.

Seasonal Decluttering

I always dreaded the spring-cleaning ritual that we would go through when I was younger but it is so essential in keeping a decluttered home and closet. Go through the closet and as you clean out for the season and eliminate things you don’t use and then keep what you want neatly. I love sorting clothes by season and I have bins that I keep winter coats and boots that take so much space until I need them in the next season.

Hopefully you find these tips on how to declutter your closet helpful and if I missed something be sure to let me know!

How to declutter your closet

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