Have you thought about ideas for working from home independently and making good money while you are at it? For a variety of reasons, I have seen people decide to ditch the 9 to 5 lifestyle and start profitable ventures from home. It does take some work but if you are interested in ideas for working from home then read on.

Working from home has become extremely popular because of the flexibility that it provides. You are able to manage your own time and you decide how many hours you want to work. It can be a scary leap because you lose the safety net that comes with a steady job. Do not be discouraged though working from home is rewarding and it pays off if you know what you are doing.
Hopefully I have not scared you yet. If you are serious about starting a work from home venture, then you will need to treat this venture as seriously as you treated your regular job. You will need to set up schedules, deadlines, projects and meet them. It cannot be treated as a hobby because ultimately you will neglect it which will lead to failure.
Starting out will be scary and I would suggest phasing it out. Whatever you decide to try give yourself a one to two-year timeline to truly set up a good foundation. Like any business it takes time to pick up and grow and most businesses take at least a year to break even. For a work from home to become your main source of income give yourself time to grow and learn before taking the big leap.
Ideas for Working from Home
Table of Contents
Starting a Blog
When I say that starting a blog can be a successful venture, I have to place a caveat because it takes time to get there. There will be no overnight success! A blog takes time to grow and become recognized. Most bloggers quit within the first year which is the worst time to quit.
Do not get sucked into income reports of bloggers who make real money within 3 months of starting a blog. They are the exception. Like I said it takes time for search engines like Google to rank a blog but once you start getting traction the possibilities are endless.
Bloggers like Michelle Schroeder make over $1 million dollar a year which is an indicator that there is real money in blogging. She didn’t get there over night though. It takes persistence and dedication. Commit to your blog and your story and you will succeed.
I have seen some traction since I started this blog 4 months ago and I just received my first payment from Google Adsense. I have never been prouder of my work because this is my baby. There is always much more pride when we work for ourselves. If you would like to start a blog here is my comprehensive guide.
Online Tutor
If you already teach at a school then becoming an online tutor can be a great way of working from home.
You will need:
- Your certifications. A Bachelor’s degree
- A quiet space
- A microphone and headset
- A laptop
- Internet
- A good camera
Working for a school verses working for yourself presents a great opportunity because again you control what you take on and you never have to be tied down physically.
Some companies that provide the opportunity to be an online tutor are Tutor and iTutor Group. If you decide to set up your own company that’s also a great way to go about it. Get the necessary certifications and promote your business. Remember that you can teach just about anything as long as there is demand for it!
One of the most popular remote tutoring platforms right now are VIPKid. VIPKid allows teachers to teach English remotely to Chinese students. You can earn up to $22 per hour which is not a bad gig for working from home. The advantages are that you set your own hours and you can work as much as you want.
Remote Bookkeeper
As an accountant by profession this is a very attractive idea for me. This would essentially mean doing what I do for myself. I would already have everything I need which is a computer and internet. Over the years this has become lucrative for many accountants who work the corporate life. It offers flexibility and an opportunity to work from home which is why it is one of the best ideas for working from home.

You can earn as much as $80 per hour as a remote bookkeeper. Many small companies want to avoid the headache of keeping track of their finances and also don’t want to hire a full-time employee. This opens opportunities for someone who has bookkeeping skills to make a lot of money. You can stagger clients and have a great portfolio of different companies.
As a bookkeeper you would track financial transactions and ensure that they are recorded accurately. If you can do basic accounting this presents a great way of working from home. A beginner bookkeeper can make up to $52,000 a year which is not a bad hustle for working from home.
To get a remote bookkeeping job check out LinkedIn and Flexjobs as a starting point to build your business.
Transcribing is converting audio files into written documents. Although transcribing can be a time-consuming task and would require effort and patience. Sometimes audio files may not be very clear, and it is extremely important to ensure that you document accurate information.
Anyone attempting this would need to type fast and be detail oriented. The information that you transcribe should not have errors or you could cause financial loss or worse if you are a medical transcriber for example.
The more information you transcribe the higher the earning potential. This would be a learning curve for anyone who hasn’t done it before, but the exciting thing is that the more you do it the better and faster you get. Transcribers can earn from anywhere from $. 25 and $2.50 per minute .
The pros of this gig is that you would have complete control of your time. You would have to meet deadlines but how you get there would be up to you. Start transcribing now and create a niche depending on what you enjoy listening to. You could transcribe lectures, discussions, podcasts, interviews and just about anything. Working from home should be something that you actually enjoy.
I honestly didn’t know much about this idea until I saw an advertisement for proofreaders. If you didn’t know that proofreading is important, try reading a book that you purchased filled with errors. It is annoying and you would demand for a refund! This presents losses for writers in terms of money and reputation, hence the need for proofreaders.
Proofreading is checking for errors in grammar and spelling. It is also checking for sequence to ensure that the book or article makes sense. You can make about $40,000 a year being a proofreader which is not bad for working from home.
A simple Google search will yield opportunities for being a proofreader and the best thing about this is you could do it from anywhere. I mean you could proofread from the beach in your bathing suit! Nothing beats that! Proofreading has quickly become one of the best ideas for working from home
Virtual Assistant
As more and more online businesses grow such as blogs, social media accounts and consulting jobs they require someone to assist with the administrative side of things. Some businesses grow faster than anticipated and people find themselves needing someone to help with the day to day tasks. This is where a virtual assistant comes in.

Virtual assistants do the work that the person that’s hiring them is either too busy to do or doesn’t want to do. This means that as a virtual assistant you can leverage your strong qualities. It can be a great opportunity for someone who is organized to make money from home. Each job would be different but once you have the tasks mastered it would be easier to provide those services to multiple clients.
The most common type of tasks includes answering emails, responding to clients, organizing calendars, keeping track of blog material, manage social media account content and such. Whatever you are good at and are interested could be a great working from home idea.
Remote Fitness Trainer & Accountability Coach
There are countless opportunities for fitness trainers to make money while working from home. Fitness trainers and accountability coaches help people who want to lose weight and track their well overall wellbeing. The great thing about working remotely as a fitness trainer is that you can provide one on one training to clients which makes it more personalized.
You also would not need to rent out gym space and equipment which could be expensive. All you need is the gym you currently workout at and someone to record your workouts and progress. If you are trainer who prefers to workout outside the start up costs would be even less.
The services that a financial trainer can provide include:
- Creating a workout program and sell it online.
- Creating a subscription service for workouts and meal programs.
- Offering personal training.
- Providing coaching services to keep clients motivated.
- Writing books on fitness and sell them.
- Creating personalized merchandise to sell.
To get started as a remote fitness trainer you would need to be on social media as this is a visual industry. Clients will want to see results and what they are buying into. Big names like Kayla Itsines have made millions of dollars by providing fitness programs on social media platforms.
Travel Agent
Working from home as a travel agent is an opportunity for travel enthusiasts to make money doing what they love. Travel agents are usually people who love finding travel deals and providing them to clients for a profit. This can be a great business venture especially for people who want pre-packaged travel itineraries. There are more and more people traveling which makes this hustle a great source of consistent source of income.
As a travel agent you can either sell packages to clients or group trips where you travel with a group of people who have paid to be on the trip. Depending on your clientele the profit margins will differ. If you are selling honeymoon packages, then you might make more than if your target was a budget packer trip.
Ultimately a travel agent needs to find the best approach that works for them. It may be through affiliate income from hotels and airlines that they work with or the packages mentioned above. It could be a mix of both. The idea is to provide the best vacation experiences to ensure that you get great reviews. Most full time travelers have think that is one of the best ideas for working from home.
Graphic Designer
Graphic designers make a lot of money depending on the type of contracts that they have. If you are a creative person then this the perfect job for working from home as you only need a computer, design software and internet to produce great content.
A graphic designer can be used for various campaigns and the opportunity to free lance is awesome. You would need to have a great portfolio to attract clients and over time you would get return business as companies go through different campaigns in the year.
Some of the work that a graphic designer does is creating websites, providing marketing materials as requested, designing flyers and the general marketing and promotional side of the business. Depending on the quality of work graphic designers can charge thousands of dollars per campaign which can be a lot of money earned throughout the year.
Photographer & Videographer
For people who have a great eye and ideas for photo shoots being a photographer or videographer can be a lucrative venture. You don’t necessarily have to be produce material for exhibitions or serious work like that. This could be a side hustle where you work on small jobs for companies or people.

You would need a good camera and media kit to show your work. Photographers and videographers can provide services to company events where they go around taking photos of people. They could work on campaigns for companies and brands to showcase something. It could be even be something as simple as child’s birthday party. The point is that the opportunities for photographers and videographers are a lot.
Photography is one of the best ideas for working from home because you could work from anywhere and submit your work virtually. Photographers and videographers can even travel for work for weddings, travel jobs and such. There is an opportunity to work from anywhere as long as the content matches the client request.
Hopefully these ideas for working from home inspire you to start or try something different. Starting this blog has been so rewarding and I hope you can try one of the ideas above.
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