Things You Must Pack in Your Hospital Bag; Free Printable

Things you must pack in your bag

First I think it’s important to note that this list of things you must pack in your hospital bag is a guide. YOU will always be the best judge of what works best for you. This list should act as a cross reference to make sure that you pack all the essential things that you will need on your trip to the hospital for your baby’s or babies’ birth.

Things you must pack in your bag

Secondly, it’s a preference shit of sorts. I interviewed various mamas and they told be the things that they felt were absolutely necessary to have in your hospital bag. First time round these mamas noted that they over packed and didn’t use most of the stuff the brought during their hospital stay.

Side note: Thank you all for your input!

I have shortlisted things that you don’t have to bring at the end of the post. You can add on to this list later for your own comfort and peace of mind.

It’s a process of elimination because I have seen lists that feel like you were moving to the hospital. Use this list to create your own list. Please leave me a comment if I leave anything out. For all of us soon to be mamas these lists have been a life saver.

You should try to pack when you hit 35 weeks because at this point anything is possible. You don’t want to be rushing to the hospital and depending on hubby to pack your bag. In this instance it’s okay to be one of those people who are always over prepared : ).

Things You Must Pack in Your Hospital Bag

  • Warm clothes for you and baby. This was a common thing among all the women I interviewed. Hospitals tend to get very cold so if you can pack some warm socks, soft warm sweaters, fleece pants for after the birth and a warm blanket for the baby you will be prepared for it. I love being warm at night so this would be a must for me.
    Most people mentioned swaddles and you should definitely have them but the hospital ones are SO good. Watch closely as the nurse swaddled the baby. A good number of ladies liked the hospital swaddles so much they took the home yikes!
  • Slippers. Whatever type of slippers you wear at home will do. These are mainly to move from the bed to the bathroom. No one wants to walk on the hospital floors barefoot or even in the hospital socks they give you. Remember you have to get back in bed and you want to keep things as clean as possible for you and baby.
  • Photo shoot stuff. For all those mamas that want to get photos of their new baby the consensus was that it’s generally easier to get it done at the hospital. Remember to pack all those cute clothes and props. My sister said that after bringing the baby home the last thing she wanted to do was organize a photo shoot because she was so tired those first few weeks.
  • Night dress or gown for visitors and one that’s feeding friendly. If you can find darker colored nightdresses even better. You’ll be wearing white huge hospital underwear and those fancy see through night dresses or gowns just won’t be a cute look. Also bring something that is visitor friendly for all the family and friends that will stop by to see the new baby. A gown that is also baby feeding friendly is good so that you don’t have to pull at stuff during feeding time.
  • Nursing bra. Don’t forget to pack a nursing bra as this will come in handy for feeding times. This pairs well with the night dress above and you can pack them at the same time in the same section where they will be easy to find.
  • Charger. Do not forget your phone charger! If you have to be at the hospital for some extended period of time and you are like me then make sure you bring your charger, or you will be searching everywhere for someone who has a matching charger. For ladies who had a long labor they said a charger was a must the day of and after the birth as well.
  • Toiletries. Make sure you pack your toothbrush, toothpaste, lotions, bodywash and anything that you typically use in your morning and night routine. For some ladies this was a huge deal because the stuff they provide at the hospital wasn’t enough or didn’t meet their needs. All you skin care folks know what I mean so pack a few toiletries just to make life a little easier.
  • Makeup. This was a tie for some mamas. Some thought they needed makeup, and some didn’t. This is entirely up to you but if you are more comfortable with makeup on then certainly pack it. Do what makes you happy.
  • Lanolin was important for all the breastfeeding mamas because it is painful to breastfeed especially for the first child. Buy that lanolin breastfeeding and pack it up with your toiletries. Most mamas said that this was a lifesaver.
  • Lip balm. Who knew that a chopstick or lip balm would make this list? This was a must bring among all the mamas. Perhaps it’s due to the air in the hospital or the general birthing process but most mamas agreed that lip balm was an essential item to pack.
  • Snacks. Pack your favorite snack because you will get hungry. If you are like me and don’t like to bother people having your own snacks and not having to ask people to bring you anything will be good. Also if you aren’t a fan of the hospital food at least then you will have options.
  • Go home outfit. Pack an outfit for you and the baby preferably something super comfortable as you will be home without nurses to help you. Leave the fancy tight clothes for another day as you will be sore in places you didn’t know existed.
  • Car seat. You cant take your baby home without a car seat if you have someone picking you up from the hospital. This wont fit in your bag : ) but it should be part of the planning process.

Stuff that you don’t have to bring:

Diapers. The hospital will usually provide diapers so most mamas didn’t end up using any of the ones they packed. If you have an opportunity to save up on diapers for future use take it!

Pacifier. Most mamas said that the hospital pacifier was the best they had so it wasn’t necessary to bring one. One of my friends actually tried to sneak out a couple just in case she lost one because they worked so well with her first baby.

Pads. The hospital provides pads that are appropriate for the birthing process and will even let you take home a couple. With all the bleeding its wiser to use the hospital provided ones because they are intended for that purpose. 

Your own pillow. This is a comfort issue but if you feel like you need your own pillow at the hospital you should certainly bring one.

Breast pump. Depending on the insurance that you have a high quality breast pump is usually covered. Don’t buy one before you check with your insurance. Again dont spend money if you dont have to.

I hope this list of things to pack in your hospital bag is useful and helpful to you which is always the goal with this blog. If I missed something kindly leave a comment below!

Things you must pack in your hospital bag

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